Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Details, details...

Love is in the details.

In so many ways, love is in the details.

In my marriage, I love to tend to the details. By no stretch of the imagination am I perfect at this, but it is something I try to focus on. Sometimes this means perfecting dishes that R grew up on and treasures - though they were not previously an interest of mine, sometimes it's learning when to go on - and when to just let be, sometimes it's making the bed - though I prefer to snuggle back into it exactly the way I left it that morning. He more than reciprocates, and it's a lovely thing.

So when the Photo 52 theme of week 12 was details, the photo soon revealed itself because love is in the details. It's easy to say those three little words, and I'm a big fan of saying and hearing them, but really showing them is in the details... those thoughtful gestures that show we understand and we care. They seem all the more generous when we're tired or stressed out.
Week 12 of Photo 52: Details

Yeah, I kinda love that love is in the details. May we never grow lazy in our loves.

Really, so much of life is in the details, as well. That's the beauty of photography - and Photo 52. Seeking the details - no matter what the theme of the week is.

Speaking of details... New Number 26: I applied for a work committee - the kind for which you have to complete an application and submit a resume to be considered. It's a committee that only those with certain credentials can join. I'm not very career minded - never have been. Normally things like applying to committees are not details I mind very much. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with working and I like to help people and do good. If I can get paid to help people, all the better! It's a good thing! Still, I'm not career minded... I wanted to be a mom. More than likely, I would have still worked outside the home, at least part time, but that's where my heart has been for a long time.

Of course I've still done a good job always, minding the details of my position very well - even through so much sadness, pain, and brokenness - but haven't been super keen on really pushing myself further.

Lately I've found myself pushing myself a bit more. Is it because I'm feeling stronger, or because I've just had to accept that my dreams are not going to come true? I'm not sure, but I applied and was accepted for this committee. Applying has been an option for me before, but I never considered it. It's kind of cool that I was accepted. My boss really likes it, in any case. She was also quite complimentary of me the other day, regarding some other leadership issues, as well. She feels like I've grown a lot in that area this last six or seven months - much of what she was referring to was minding some important details. It was nice to hear, but kind of strange too. It's still not where my heart is.

Week 13 of Photo 52: Photographer's Prerogative

The human heart can hold so many conflicting emotions: see Juxta girl for more details on this.

Well, bittersweet or not, it seems that pushing forward in these somewhat above-and-beyond details of my work reinforces that maybe I'm growing a little stronger.

There are things in life that are unchangeable: get busy living, or get busy dying.

And all that jazz.


  1. Wow, that makes it even cooler that your PP was a couple of new doors to walk through. LOVE the light and patterns in that one. I'm glad they accepted you to that committee--may your contributions bring you joy! God is using you. :-)

    1. Exactly! :-) Maybe that's why the door set up like that jumped out at me so much that day. It just hit me! And thank you!!
