Monday, March 24, 2014


The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring. (Bern Williams)

Thursday was the first day of SPRING!!! It brought with it NEW number 25, which was a right and proper celebration of Spring!  I've seriously never been this outwardly exuberant about Spring before. I haven't been able to keep still - and I even planned a Happy Spring get-together. It might be weak, but I say it counts as New!

A little exclamation of praise! 

A few dance moves! 

And a delicious celebratory meal! 

It doesn't matter what it looks like outside because it - is - SPRING!!
And Spring is worthy of celebration! 

(This was taken in Florida -  not in Minnesota... it's not that Springy yet!) 

No matter how brutal the winter within and without may be, Spring will always come!

Still... even it it didn't, it would be okay.

But I'm still glad that it will! 


  1. Ooh, I love the music. That has to be an upcoming theme. Don't let me forget. And, my mouth is absolutely watering now!! You are positively adorable in spring. :-)

    1. Hee hee - thanks, Tracy!! :-) And yes to the music - I'd welcome a chance to work on it more. It was just an idea I had, so I took this quick after church - but felt too self conscious to move over to where the light was really good, for some strange reason. This is one of my favorite songs!
