Monday, July 29, 2013


It seems my new at 42 challenge has reached my subconscious. Last night I dreamed I that I went paddle boating with an old friend from camp... I was so excited because it was another new thing! I was paddling along and singing, "3 down, 39 to go!!"

It was otherwise a long and strange dream, but it was super fun to be paddle boating with my friend. I wonder if it's possible that dreaming of exercise results in burning actual calories...?  Well, one can hope anyhow.

However, I haven't actually done anything new since what I posted about last, so I better get on the ball! Or maybe the paddle boat....  But if it had been warm enough out, I was considering trying to fry an egg on the sidewalk to satisfy the Photo 52 theme of the week (hot), which would have killed two birds with one stone because frying an egg on the sidewalk would definitely be new to me. Unfortunately, July has taken a turn for the cool, so I had to use a cast iron skillet to fry my eggs. Unfortunate, but delicious!

Week 30 of Photo 52: Hot
In retrospect, it's probably my weirdest Photo 52 submission yet. Still, I was at a loss for what to do with hot, when it was so unseasonably cool - and, well, it was dinner time and I was hungry. They say it's a bad idea to grocery shop on an empty stomach... I wonder if that's true of photography too?  Hmm.  But I suppose I still killed two birds with one stone, especially if those birds were chickens. Mmm.

So, what should I do new next?


  1. That was a GREAT hot entry! I think photography on an empty stomach is a really good idea, actually.

    New next...probably not a hot air balloon ride? Hmmm...

    1. Hee!! Actually, I seriously do want to do that sometime. And then I remember how terrified I am of my feet leaving the ground!! :-)
