Sunday, June 15, 2014

What goes down, must come up

Perhaps it's not an actual scientific law that what goes down must come up, but it certainly is when it comes to traipsing down, down - far down - to view the majesty of Minnehaha Falls.

Hmm, of course first you have to get past this guy.

But wait... I'm getting ahead of myself. Before traipsing anywhere, one must fortify oneself for the expedition. I've been wanting to try out Sea Salt for years, but since I'd never been to the mighty Minnehaha Falls, I'd also never been to Sea Salt.

 NEW number 38: Sea Salt! 

R's choice: crawfish etouffee - a favorite, but something R is often disappointed in because it doesn't live up to his expectations of the best etouffee we've had. This one was really, really close... he felt it needed just a bit more oomph (agreed!), but that it was really good - best he'd had in a long time - and he'd have it again.

As for me, I went with grilled fish tacos - wahoo fish, no less! I'd never even heard of wahoo fish, let alone eaten it, so I had to give it a try. Mind you, my dearest R makes the very BEST fish tacos this side of Davy Jones' Locker, but these were quite delicious!  Woohoo for wahoo!

And while I know my friend Penny is cringing at all that cilantro, honestly, I seriously can't get enough cilantro in my life! Don't worry, Penny - we'll always have red, Diet Pepsi, cupcakes, candy, pasta - and oh, just about everything else!

Fortified with some serious and fresh deliciousness, we moved on to the falls. Oooooh!


So gorgeous - and very full!

Week 23 of Photo 52: Red
We chased this little cutie around for a while. What a treasure! This photo was taken from quite far away. I can't believe I was even able to get him at all, considering my lack of a more hard core camera and zoom. All in all, I'm pleased with it. This was literally the only one that turned out even a little, so it feels like a gift!

What a perfect day!

Best yet - I didn't have to fake a sprained ankle to try to get a stretcher ride up... but I did consider it. 

Resting after the climb up
Yeah, my legs are still a bit sore from my NEW number 39, but it was completely worth it!

Afterward, we treated ourselves to the best happy hour in the entire Twin Cities!

Excellent location, ambiance, and food - but terrible service....  Still, I give it five stars.

This New at 42 challenge has been many things to me, not the least of which has been actually checking out so much of the beauty and fun of our second hometown. Wisconsin and Utila will always be our number ones, but the Twin Cities really is fantastic. It brought us to each other, cherished friends, and it holds many wonders - most of which I've only just finally been exploring. Yeah!


  1. The food looks fab. And I will graciously share cilantro with you anytime. (drooooooollllcilantro) Those falls are also on Our List For Sometime.


    1. Hee hee! I know I can always count on you to indulge in all things cilantro..... gahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! :-)

  2. I love this! We went down on Sunday evening, but didn't partake of the food. HUGE line! I was totally inspired by your photos on fb. You saw the falls for the first time in ALL their glory!

    1. OOOH - I can't wait to see your photos!! We went around 1, I think it was, so the line was there - but not too bad. I've heard from people that they've seen the line all the way to the parking lot before. Yikes! :-)
