Tuesday, September 2, 2014

It's true that....

His grace is sufficient for me, but it's just so hard to bear. It's just so hard.

It's just so hard.

I'm not strong. I'm not amazing. I'm not anything but broken.

No matter how many school supplies I contribute.

No matter how much I am happy for others and their beauties.

No matter how good I am to my employee who is sending off their kiddie for first day of school.

It just hurts. I feel like I'm just walking this narrowest of lines.

It's just so damn hard.

I'm getting another brownie now.

His grace is still sufficient for me. It is, it really is. But it just hurts so much.


  1. My love for you, all of you, grows and grows. Your honesty, your strength, your weakness, your fortitude, your grace, your love..... you are amazing, beautiful, inspiring, challenging.

    1. Melissa - thank you so much for your love and your support!!! It means so very much!!!
