Sunday, August 31, 2014

Round and round

Seems the unofficial end of summer has sneaked up upon me this year. Round and round these seasons go, where they stop, nobody knows.

Week 34 of Photo 52: Round
In the meantime, you can find me here - most likely with Miss Marple - savoring every last sweet, warm, and sun-filled moment.

They will eventually have to pry the flip flops off my cold, frost-bitten toes!

If I could, I'd make summer last all the year long. Some say I wouldn't love it so much if it were this way always, but I beg to differ.

Week 35 of Photo 52: Photographer's Prerogative 
I never tire of that which I love. Nonetheless, it''ll soon be time to suck it up, Buttercup!

As you can see, I've been playing with my phone's panoramic setting a lot this summer - I'm not always perfectly straight, but it's pretty cool to use!

Yeah, it's been a wonderful summer - and a very full one.

Full of sweetness and love.

Beauty and deliciousness

And light.

Very fashionable light, no less.

That's just the way we roll.

On the other hand, there's also that pesky critter that sneaks up on me, following me where ever I go - even in the glorious summer.

This emptiness that just won't leave me. It manifests in different ways, but has seemed to settle into a depth of sadness, which is so much more than just a feeling or a temporary condition that I'll be past tomorrow.

Throughout my blogs, I've often quoted Paul in saying that God's grace is sufficient for me, for His power is made perfect in my weakness. It's another thing that goes round and round in my head. (I'm glad that not only difficult things go round and round up in there!)  Well, the other night I was thinking about that again and wondering how many more times than Paul's three I've pleaded for the removal of this thorn in my flesh - pleaded for an end to barrenness and grief.

How many tears have been shed? How many more shall be shed?

Yet I don't really ask for its removal anymore. (Okay, maybe just once in a while.) Now I more often just pray that I would truly live in the grace that I know is sufficient for me. Live in grace. Live abundantly, thorns and all.

I'm grateful for summer, which refreshes my weary soul and makes everything oh so very much easier - and fun(ner!). I'm grateful, even though it will soon have to go.

I'm grateful for any of you who read this blog (my heart) and still accept me as I am - thorns and all - and all the juxtaposition that is me. I've come to realize that not all friends are like this.

I'm grateful for my husband, who not only accepts me and adores me to pieces, but is a soothing balm.

And I'm grateful to the Lord, for so freely blessing me with so much goodness and grace - me, thorns and doubts and weaknesses and all. I can't say I delight in these difficulties, but I'll not be ashamed anymore. 

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